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Prophet Noble Drew Ali

National Moorish American Holidays

January 8: Prophet Noble Drew Ali's Birthday

January 15: Moorish New Year

March 17: Tag Day

First Sunday in March: Moorish Seniors Day

July 20: Authority Day

September 15 - 20: Moorish National Convention

Our Auxiliaries 

Moorish National Sister's Auxiliary

Sis.N.Johnson-Bey Sisters Auxilary.png

Sister N. Johnson-Bey

National Chairman


The Moorish National Sister's Auxiliary was organized on December 17, 1928. Sister Lavine-El, President and Sister Rhodes-El, Recording Secretary. Their paramount object is to uplift fallen humanity and be the right hand to the Prophet by their kind words, works, and deeds.

Young People Moorish National League


Sister P. Smith-Bey

National Chairman


Founded by Sister Pearl Drew Ali (1928), the Young People Moorish National League (YPMNL) Organization composed of young women and men with the purpose of promoting and encouraging our ambitious youth in art and education, economics and social improvements. The younger people must be trained and educated to earn a better livelihood. In doing so they become better citizens, better husbands and wives and better fathers and mothers.

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