Our Leadership

Brother R.Jones-Bey
Brother A.Hopkins-Bey
They have come from a beautiful legacy that started In the year 1886. On January 8, 1886, our Divine Prophet Noble Drew Ali was born in the state of North Carolina. Prophet Noble Drew Ali came to warn and redeem the Moorish Americans who were called Negroes of America from their sinful ways.
Over 100 Years of Service In The Great Program of Uplifting Fallen Humanity
He taught them to be themselves, and ''to make better citizens'' of men and women. He let them know that they are Moorish-Americans and are a part of this government, The United States, and they must obey the laws thereof. As a result Moorish-Americans are to be good citizens, and an asset to this country.
In 1913, Prophet Noble Drew Ali founded the Canaanite Temple in Newark, New Jersey. The Canaanite Temple was an early indication that the so-called Negroes were of Asiatic origin from the Holy Land of Canaan. The Movement spread across the country during the 1920's as the Moorish Holy Temple of Science.
In 1928, The Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. was founded for the uplifting of fallen humanity. Temples were and still are located all across the United States of America. The temple is a place for the fallen sons and daughters of the Asiatic Nation of North America to learn to love instead of hate, and know of their higher self.
Over the years, the Moorish Science Temple of America has been led by previous leaders as they have continued to keep the doors open for all.

Brother C. Kirkman-Bey
(1929 - 1959)
Supreme Grand Advisor
and Moderator
Brother F. Nelson-Bey
(1959 - 1962)
Second Supreme Grand
Advisor and Moderator
Brother J. Blakey-Bey
(1963 - 1971)
Third Supreme Grand
Advisor and Moderator
Brother R. Love-El
(1971 - 2002)
Former Grand Sheik
and Moderator